One of our staff members, Sophie Lockhart, is currently in training to become a Spiritual Director through the School of Sustainable Faith. After the positive feedback received from Sophie leading us in “BIG group Spiritual Direction” in recent Sunday worship gatherings, we would like to offer a Spiritual Direction small group that will meet for 6-8 weeks at Journey this spring / summer (2023). The group will be facilitated by Sophie and will max out at 8 people, first come first serve. 

Spiritual Direction is for anyone who wants to grow more aware of the presence of God in their lives. In a group context, Spiritual Direction teaches us how to practice "holy listening," how to ask good questions, and how to "notice Jesus" in our every day moments. Think of it like "community soul care." 

If you are interested in taking part in a Spiritual Direction small group, click the button below to register. *Dates / times will be finalized based on the group members' availability.

THE BENEFITS OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTION (copied from Soul Shepherding website)

Spiritual direction can be helpful in many aspects of everyday life including: 

  • Experiencing God’s love

  • Empathy for personal and relational difficulties

  • Spiritually caring for children

  • Engaging in soul talks with your spouse

  • Praying for a hurting friend 

  • Discerning God’s leading

  • Care and guidance in a Dark Night of the Soul

  • Becoming more effective in your ministry or work